💗V-Dere Halloween Bundle Voice Pack!
Bundle Containing all the voice packs below!
💌Elia Stellaria Halloween Voice Pack
Elia needs help prepping the drink for the party later! But she's feeling a little under the weather... will you be her pick-me-up? ■ Talent Links 【YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/@EliaStellaria 【Twitter】: https://twitter.com/EliaStellaria
🦇Airi Viridis Halloween Voice Pack
In true demonic fashion, Airi is in charge of the scary movies this year! However, she is unscareable- being the fearsome devil she is- so she needs your help to gauge what would be the upmost terrifying! And a-absolutely not because she's scared to watch them alone... ■ Talent Links 【YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/@AiriViridis 【Twitter】: https://twitter.com
🍹Mozumi Pichi Halloween Voice Pack
Mozzu has invited you along to help her collect frightful decorations for the party! However, the full moon seems to have brought something strange with it... Will she be able to contain her beastly instincts, or will she give in to the animal within? ■ Talent Links 【YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/@mozumipichi 【Twitter】: https://twitter.com/mozumipichi
💭Kirispica Halloween Voice Pack
Spica has the biggest task of all! Popping popcorn! Help her count the kernels! ■ Talent Links 【YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/@kirispica 【Twitter】: https://twitter.com/kirispicaa